In 1931, due to the rapid growth of Upton, Cheshire County Council agreed to transfer Upton to one of the neighbouring urban authorities (Birkrnhead and Wallasey).

The residents were given a completely free vote as to whether Upton should join Birkenhead or Wallasey, Both authorities fought a lively campaign.

Polling day was set as 10th March 1931. On 9th March, a fire engine from Wallasey Fire Brigade arrived in the village, bearing a placard saying 'We Can reach any fire in Upton in Ten Minutes'. Shortly afterwards a Birkenhead fire engine arrived with a placard saying 'Why wait ten minutes?'

The result of the poll was 661 in favour of joining Birkenhead and 240 for Wallasey, so Upton became part of Birkenhead.

Can You Help?

Do you have any pictures of Upton, or of events in and around Upton either old or not so old?

Do you have any documents, newspaper cuttings or other information relating to Upton or the surrounding area?

Do you have any stories about Upton or the surrounding area?

If you do, please contact me by e-mail at